Firefox 2.0 crash

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Just installed Firefox 2.0 few days ago, and found tat firefox 2.0 is not tat stable. It keep on crashing and crashing. I’ve tried to off all the plugin but no luck 🙁 still the same. Hopefully the team will able to do sth and fix the bug.

Busy on my 2 new blogs

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I’ve already forget when is the last time i update my blog.
Quite busy recently, rushing for office work (as usual).
Besides, i’ve just open 2 new blog last few months and
i’m trying to keep them update in daily basis.

Here are the site:-

SillyCorner.comOften Update

– You can see a lot of different TV Commercial around the world

TechieCorner.comOften Update

– If you are looking for computer tips, window xp hack, windows tips and tricks, performance tuning and etc – Look for
– If you have any technical issue with your PC, you can let me know, i’ll try my best to get the solution and share with the other 🙂

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Goodbye Michael

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Yes, there is another colleage of mine (Michael) is leaving the company today. Michael join my current company same day as me and we have been allocated in a same room. So, basically we are roomates for the past 6 months. He is a very cool guy, always keep quiet in one corner and seldom jokes with us. May be we are too young (No, he is around my age) or may be our jokes is not funny at all to him (i guess this might be the reason).

10 minutes ago, he pack his things (actually nothing to pack just a network switch he brought in few months back) and left us quietly. Quietly as in no hug hug (it’s ok for me cuz she is not a girl), no handshake, no extra words, just one sentence “Chao La!” (Bye!)

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