Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter killed by Stingray

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I’m very very sad. My favourite animal planet actor Steve the Crocodile Hunter just passed away.

SYDNEY, Australia (CNN) — Steve Irwin, the Australian TV presenter known as the “Crocodile Hunter,” has died after being stung in a marine accident off Australia’s north coast.

Australian media reports say Irwin was diving in waters off Port Douglas, north of Cairns, when the incident happened on Monday morning.

Irwin, 44
was killed by a stingray barb that went through his chest, according to Cairns police sources. Irwin was filming an underwater documentary at the time.

Ambulance officers confirmed they attended a reef fatality Monday morning off Port Douglas, according to Australian media.

Queensland Police Services also confirmed Irwin’s death and said his family had been notified. Irwin was director of the Australian Zoo in Queensland.

He is survived by his American-born wife Terri and their two children, Bindi Sue, born 1998, and Robert (Bob), born December 2003.

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Goodbye Michael

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Yes, there is another colleage of mine (Michael) is leaving the company today. Michael join my current company same day as me and we have been allocated in a same room. So, basically we are roomates for the past 6 months. He is a very cool guy, always keep quiet in one corner and seldom jokes with us. May be we are too young (No, he is around my age) or may be our jokes is not funny at all to him (i guess this might be the reason).

10 minutes ago, he pack his things (actually nothing to pack just a network switch he brought in few months back) and left us quietly. Quietly as in no hug hug (it’s ok for me cuz she is not a girl), no handshake, no extra words, just one sentence “Chao La!” (Bye!)

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Laptop Computer Fires Case on Rise

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In 2004 and 2005 Apple, Dell and HP collectively recalled more than 300,000 laptop batteries due to fire hazards.

Following the 2004 wave of recalls the Consumer Product Safety Commission says
computer manufacturers met to set performance standards. To date, the government confirms the problem is on the rise.

The CPSC has received 176 incidents involving laptop fires due to battery or power system failure since 2003. More than 100 of those incidents were in

Now Thomas Forqueran will be added to the 2006 statistics.

“It wasn’t just a truck, it was a very special part of the family,” Forqueran said.

A spokesperson for Dell says it will investigate Forqueran’s case. He says safety teams are taking the incidents seriously.

HP has had two voluntary battery recalls in the last nine months. Tom Augenthaler, a Hewlett Packard public relations representative, released a statement that said in part, “HP fully stands behind the products it makes and has taken a proactive approach to this situation."

Apple Computers gave CBS 11 News a no comment for our last story. This time, our calls weren’t returned.

Source: CBS11TV

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