I just watched Narnia

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Just finish watching the Narnia at mid valley cinema. The show is very nice! Oh ya just want to say thank you to Harpers Trading (M) Sdn Bhd. for sponsored the show. Actually this show should only be available on screen at 8 Dec 2005. I think I’m so lucky tat my obelad was invited by the Harpers to attend some sort of event and she is allow to bring one more person to watch the show. So for sure i’m the one who will be going with her :p

That’s one weird thing tat happen before the show, all the audience have to leave their camera handphone, PDA, Laptops, camera and etc at the counter. There are security people, standing in front of the entrance and using a device (which look like a metal detector) to scan thru ur body. At first i do not want to leave my laptop at the counter, but too bad, u know wat my obelad say?

she said, "Ah fei, if u dun wan to leave ur laptop, then i go in watch narnia and u stand outside watch narnia ads!"

How cruel this obelad is!

So no choice, got to leave my lovely laptop at the counter. They gave me a ticket that for me to collect my laptop after the show.

Anyway, the whole show is very exciting. Although some people might say, eh it’s just a kid movie. but i really enjoy it 🙂 i think my obelad enjoy it too. Oh ya, i also receive a bag of door gifts from Harpers.

Thanks Harpers and Thanks my obelad.

Off for 2 days :)

My Life 4 Comments »

hihi, i’m going to holiday this weekend.
Will update you when i come back 🙂

Attending Internet Marketing Seminar – Part III

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After the seminar finish, they giving out free gifts and keep asking people to take the last chance to sign up with them.

At the same day, i went to a dinner where my boss also there. He ask me how’s the seminar and he seems quite interested with their services. Then i asked him how he manage to get to know about this seminar. He told me tat he received an invitation card from that company.

One day later, i only found out that, this company should earn a lot of
money from all these aunties uncles. Why i say so. It’s because i
notice one more thing, all the people who attend the seminar are rich
man. they only send invitation card to those who is rich. I’ve no idea
where they get the address of all the people, (i suspect bank or credit
card company) and send them snail mail and DVD to their door step. And
the best part is 20k is a very small amount for rich people to spend
to start a "high potential" business. The company marketing strategy really really good. I really salute the one who come out with this idea.

So aunties and uncles, there are many e-commerce econ pack out there. If you need one, let me know ya, i’m also offering e-commerce econ pack. if you contact me by 15 Dec 2005, i’ll give u a special discount! 🙂

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