I just watched Narnia
My Life 6 Comments »That’s one weird thing tat happen before the show, all the audience have to leave their camera handphone, PDA, Laptops, camera and etc at the counter. There are security people, standing in front of the entrance and using a device (which look like a metal detector) to scan thru ur body. At first i do not want to leave my laptop at the counter, but too bad, u know wat my obelad say?
she said, "Ah fei, if u dun wan to leave ur laptop, then i go in watch narnia and u stand outside watch narnia ads!"
How cruel this obelad is!
So no choice, got to leave my lovely laptop at the counter. They gave me a ticket that for me to collect my laptop after the show.
Anyway, the whole show is very exciting. Although some people might say, eh it’s just a kid movie. but i really enjoy it 🙂 i think my obelad enjoy it too. Oh ya, i also receive a bag of door gifts from Harpers.
Thanks Harpers and Thanks my obelad.
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