Design your own CSS template

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After i read the "Web professional never stop learning", i’ve decided to put some effort to learn and design website using the web standard. I need to upgrade myself to a new level! (I know i’m a bit late but as ppl said ‘No matter how slow you go, as long as you don’t stop, you will success one day!’) So, today i’ve put my full concentration on how to design a website using CSS and finally, my first CSS template is out!

Too bad, i can’t show you all the template as this is one of my web design project for my client. I think it will be live within these 2 months. No worry, i will definately inform you all to visit the site 🙂

Anyway, today i learned a lot of new stuff. Such as how to make a List menu mouse effect with CSS embeded (and no javascript). then, i also learned how to make the horizontal menu list which compatible with different browser. and how to use float to make 2 column in the same row, clear to set the footer alignment properly , line-height to center the text vertically at the header, and many many more.

CSS really very powerful! i love it because it save a lot of HTML code compare to table format. It’s so clean and tidy in term of structure. but the con side is still with the browser compatibility issue. If everyone (Firefox, Safari, IE, Opera, etc) can follow the same standard, we the ‘Web Professional’ (now i can call myself as web professional liao :p) can save a lot of work in doing all the adjustment in order to get the site shows all the same at different browser.

CSS Rocks!

p/s: FYI, many europe companies are looking for CSS Web Designer.

2006 Chinese Astrology: Goat

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寒命人 — 本年回歸火年,故對秋、冬天出生的你較為有利,但由於本年太歲相刑,是非不免較多,易惹上不必要的麻煩又不能解決,故今年在簽訂文件、契約時要小心行事,錢銀方面要清清楚楚,便宜莫貪,免因此而惹上不必要的煩惱。今年整體運程有進展,持平而進,勿急。

熱命人 — 今年轉歸火年,對夏天出生的你並無幫助,如過去兩年運程一般,今年更宜守勿攻,步步為營。如過去兩年運程已經轉好,則今年依然平穩,只是不宜再作新投資而已,再加上本年太歲相刑,是非較多,更要小心為上。

平命人 — 雖說一生平穩,但比較起來,金水之年始終對你較為有利,故今年大火年對你來說並無幫助,再加上太歲相刑,是非較多,尤其是農曆六、九、十二月更要小心。

一九三 一年出生的羊 ︰ 今年為權力地位提升年。已經退休的你,難以再有晉升機會,只是一切還放不下心而已。又今年太歲相刑,身體小毛病不免較多,尤其是農曆三、六、九、十二月此四個月要注意飲食,慎防傾跌。

一九四三年出生的羊 ︰ 本年為貴人舒服懶運。整個人突然間懶下來,動都不想動,已工作了好幾十年的你,亦是時候稍作休息,即使仍未想退休,亦應該慢下來,趁還有氣力之時,多出外遊玩,到一些自己很想到而又未去過的地方。至於是否真的想退下來,留待明年再算吧!

一九五五年出生的羊 ︰ 本年為辛苦得財年。對從事專業或收入不穩、多勞多得行業的你最有幫助,因工作忙碌亦代表收入增加。但對上班一、收入穩定的你則無大幫助,只代表工作量大增而已。

一九六七年出生的羊 ︰ 本年為思想學習投資年,雖然今年太歲相刑,是非較多,腹部、腸胃又易生毛病,但生在秋冬天的你,亦可稍作嘗試,今年不嘗試,明年以後便開始退守。相反生於春、夏的平命、熱命人今年不宜投資,只宜買實物或進修,吸收一些新知識。

一九七九年出生的羊 ︰ 今年財運為各個羊人中最佳的,但到底有多少進賬,當然要看看自己的整體運程,但比較上來還是寒命人較佳,平命人次之,熱命人又次之。

一九九一年出生的羊 ︰ 今年為名氣地位提升年,但對年紀輕輕的你,似乎起不了作用,可能只是在課外或體育活動得到奬項而已。

二00三年出生的羊 ︰ 本年為舒服懶年。可能正要讀幼兒班的你,不想上課,又或在上課之時精神不集中而已,沒有甚麼特別事情要注意。不過,今年是腸胃疾病流行年,肖羊的你要特別注意,生冷之物少吃為佳,以免腸胃敏感而引致腹瀉。

財運 — 本年財運平穩,不論寒、熱、平命人都受到太歲相刑影響而減慢了事業的進展,繼而影響到財運亦沒有突破,故本年宜有心理準備在財運方面沒有甚麼突破。

事業 — 表面風光,地位提升。財運雖然沒有突破,事業在表面上仍有進展,但只是名氣大了,權力大了,看不到實質好處,故在事業上宜守不宜攻,不宜輕舉妄動。

感情 — 本年太歲相刑。心情不定,感情不定,再加上夫妻宫亦不佳,故今年感情必然不定,磨擦必多,尤其是農曆二、五、六此三個月更宜忍讓為先。

身體 — 今年是胃腸流行疾病年,肖羊的你要多加留意,尤其是在農曆三、六、九、十二月此四個月間,生冷、不潔之物,不沾為妙。

是非 — 太歲相刑,是非必多,尤其是農曆六、九及十二此三個月,是非恐怕會接踵而來,唯有以不變應萬變,是非自然消散。

Valuing your time, money and life

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I used to read magazine in bus or LRT. This morning i read an interesting yet useful article about "Valuing your time, money and life" from Personal Money. Let me share some good stuff with you all:-

"Let’s be honest to ourselves here. Because we need money to live, we exchange a portion of our time on earth for money.

We sacrifice out lives for money! Why?

Ironically, because we know money represents freedom and choice. In
essence, it purchases our present and future quality of life. In fact,
if you’ve been reading the more depressing news stories of the last
month or two, you’ll be sensitised to the sad fact that people have
died in hospitals because of insufficient money.

An equation i developed for my e-book, 5 steps to Saner Life, might
help us make better sense of the tight interconnections between our
time (and hence our life and our money. Let me share it with you:

M (money) = W (work) x T (time)" by Rajen Devadason.

Do you agree with what Rajen said? I totally agree with him.

At the end of the article, He also provide the solution on how can we earn more money. There are 2 simple solutions:-

"You can also earn more money by working longer and harder but that will just reduce time spent with your loved ones. And they’re the ones you are working for!

Your only viable solution lies in increasing your ability to do higher-value work without actually working longer or harder. The way to do that is to ratchet up your effectiveness per unit time."

So now you know how to earn more money right?
Let’s practice this and we all will earn more money and we can spend more time with our loved ones at the same time 🙂

This article is written by Rajen Devadason, CFP, is a speaker, author and
independent consultant. He is CEO of corporate mentoring consultancy RD WealthCreation Sdn Bhd, which helps companies increase profits by teaching their best people how to enchance their personal effectiveness.

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