Since i first bought my Dell Laptop, i’m very happy with it’s service. Keep recommending my friends to buy Dell instead of other brand. But now i got to think twice before recommend anyone! Really wish to know why the laptop will explodes and which model is tat! Hope my one is not same model with them.

Dell laptop explodes"An Inquirer reader attending a conference in Japan was sat just feet away from a laptop computer that suddenly exploded into flames, in what could have been a deadly accident," The Inquirer reports.

"Guilhem, [the] astonished reader reports: ‘The damn thing was on fire and produced several explosions for more than five minutes… For the record, this is [was] a Dell machine… It is only a matter of time until such an incident breaks out on a plane,’ he suggests," The Inquirer reports.

"’Fire extinguishers leave a mess on your suit and belongings; pack
your stuff (if you can) and leave, leave, leave!’ he advises," The
Inquirer reports. "We don’t have any further details of the model of
the computer in question. In light of the evidence, however, we’d
suggest you avoid actually using a laptop on your lap."

Source: Inquirer