Yesterday I went out lunch with a bunch of my colleagues together with my boss at KLCC. Everyone do not know what to eat. One of our lady colleague said "Mum told me try to avoid chicken, bird flu!". In Malaysia chicken is the most common food we eat everyday. Now bird flu hit Malaysia and I really got no idea wat to eat.

We walk n walk n walk. suddenly everyone stop in front of a nice restaurant and their banner shows Manhattan Fish House. I remember i heard this restaurant before from my obelad gf. According to her, the food here quite expensive! Oh too bad, since there is bird flu attack, and everyone seems wan to give it a try, at the end we had our lunch in this nice classic restaurant.

I ordered a dunno wat "Baked wat wat dori", and customer can choose to have it with chips or rice. As i’m a "rice pail", i choosed rice 🙂 After 15 mins the food arived and the fish is so fresh! The color of the fish is white + a little bit pink. it was baked with some special herbs i think. It’s quite tasty. I like the way they cook it. but too bad it’s too expensive!

A dunno wat "Baked wat wat dori" + a sprite cost me RM 25!
Too bad i didnt own a digicam, if not at least i can take some pictures and post it on