Beijing Olympic 2008
Uncategorized August 8th, 2008Today is a very big day for China. so i wish Beijing Olympic 2008 all the best!!! This morning listen to HK Commercial Radio I and it shows all the hongkies are excited about it too.
For the past 1 year, i’ve listening to HK Commercial Radio, and i notice China is giving a lot of effort in making this Beijing Olympic a success. Among everything, there is a radio commercial give me the most impressive impression. The content of this commercial is to teach Hong Kong Taxi driver how to chat with the foreign tourist.
As you know, most of them are not well verse in english. So their goverment sponsored this commercials to teach the public some simple english words and sentence, in case there are tourist ask them and talk to them, they will be able to answer. The whole objective of this commercial is to educate the public to deal with tourist and create a good impression to the tourist, and hope that the tourist will visit Hong Kong again in the near future.
I’m thinking, last time when we held the Commonwealth Games, i didn’t notice anything like this. Visit visit Malaysia also never heard of anything like this too. I’m wondering what ….
November 26th, 2008 at 3:25 pm
你好,我在使用S9Y时出现了问题,我在语言设定里选择了TRADITIONAL CHINESE(utf-8),在管理员界面里可以正确显示中文,但POST出来的文字全变成了“?????”,预览的时候却没有这个问题,想知道如何解决,你能帮到我吗???