This morning when i check my mail, i got this warning letter from Google Adsense team. I’ve reply them and I’m not really sure what is the problem, i only promote my site on blogroll and bookmark application. Hopefully my account wont be suspend.

Hello xxx xxx xxx,

It has come to our attention that invalid clicks or impressions havebeen generated on the Google ads on your site(s) through users ofthird-party programs paid or provided with other incentives to visityour site. Such programs may include, but are not limited to auto-surf,pay-to-surf, pay-to-read, or pay-to-click sites.

As a reminder, any method of generating invalid clicks or impressionsis strictly prohibited by our Terms & Conditions and program policies:

If we continue to detect invalid clicks or impressions from theseservices on your ads, we may disable your account to protect ouradvertisers.


The Google AdSense Team