Yesterday morning, i wake up around 11am. After washing my face, start my bed cleaning mission to kill all the Flea! Unpack all my pillow covers and my lovely bedsheet then throw into the washing machine and wash it kao kao. Then take out the insect killer spray and start my Flea Killing session!

First, i spray around my bed to ensure that my bed will be clean from all the stupid flea. Since my bed is just beside the window, i decided to spray the window frame as well. Pressing the spray with all my all energy to let the spray out from the tin. At the end of the mission, a full new insect spray only left half 🙂

After the spary, i close my door and let the spray cool down. after almost 4 hours, i go into my room again. The spray smell still very strong and i decided to use my table fan to help to blow the smell out from my room. After few more hours it seems better but the smell still there.

Not much things i can do, and it’s already reach the time i go to bed. so just sleep like tat la. Although a bit smelly, i didnt feel any flea bite me anymore!!! yea yea! 🙂